Tour with Snob Value starts today!
Check it out:
5.4. Frankfurt a.M., IVI w/ Vengeance, Jim Tablowski Experience, ...
6.4. Recklinghausen, AKZ w/ Fragmentist (1st show!)
7.4. watch out!
8.4. Kortrijk, BE, The Pit's
9.4. Paris, FR, La Mécanique Ondulatoire, w/ The Chemicals
10.4. Lyon, FR, Rock'n'Roll Vengeance
11.4. Marseille, FR, Mediterranean Sea
12.4. Marseille, FR, La Salle Gueule,
13.4. Biel, CH, Schrottbar
14.4. Offenburg, Kessel
Our show in Ostende, BE, on Sunday got cancelled. We're making phone calls about a last minute show, maybe in Cologne. Will keep you updated here and on our facebook.
We're superexcited, let's go!